Oil Cleansing… ever heard of it? Its seems in the last few years “oil cleansing” has become more mainstream and popular but its still slow in getting approval by many! My clients know me as the “Oily Lady”, I am a firm believer in oils for our skin (both inside and out). I am here to expand your mind in the way you think of cleansing your skin and why you should be adding this into your regimen now! But don’t just take my word for it, read below to find out yourself.
1. Oil Cleansing should be your #1 go to cleanser
Shocked? Cleansing with oil?
Oil cleansing is a more gentle way to cleanse the skin because it doesn’t strip precious skin of its essential protective barrier. Although gentle it is highly effective to thoroughly cleanse the skin when used properly. Its a well known fact that water and oil don’t mix… so why are we cleansing our skin with mainly water based products? Oil cleansing will take care of that issue, oil attracts oil making it the most effective cleanser you could ever use for your skin! Use it as your first option in your routine for your skin… sometimes that is all the cleaner you need to refresh your face!
2. Oil Cleansing will improve your skin’s health and appearance
By using the right oil combination, your skin health can actually improve! Compared to using conventional, super foamy and sudsy cleansers the skin is often left stripped of its essential nutrients, especially the body’s own natural oils. We have been conditioned to think “squeaky clean” is clean. That may be true for our floors in our homes but not necessarily for our face. Over time the skin’s natural protective barrier wears down its natural defense by constantly being stripped of its oils. That leaves skin with inflammation, breakouts, dryness, dehydration, and wrinkles! When incorporating an oil cleanser daily or more frequently into your regimen, you will find over time that your skin seems more supple, soft, bounces back easier, breakouts are less intense or disappear, wrinkles soften or lessen, there is less dryness and so much more! Oil cleansing requires intentional manipulations with our hands and fingers which naturally help increase circulation giving a more youthful glow! Consistency of use will prove its magic!
3. Oil Cleansing will reduce skin inflammation
Oils are naturally high in fatty acids, making it the ideal concoction to repair and soothe our skin. Our skin naturally is comprised of oil but for many of us, the body needs a bit of assistance to nourish it. Our cell membranes are comprised of fatty acids, in fact they are the very building blocks of the cellular membranes! Give me all those good fats! HA! By incorporating oil cleansing as a step in your skincare regimen you aid those cells by making them healthier and more vibrant. Healthy cells intrinsically know what to do. They will automatically function better to heal skin wounds, inflammation including dermatitis, dryness, rashes and rosacea.
4. Oil Cleansing is ideal for breakout prone skin
So many who suffer from acne or breakouts tend to shy away completely from any oil based product. As mentioned above, we have been conditioned to think that removing all oil for that “squeaky clean” feel is what will produce healthy skin. That is one of the biggest myths in the skin world. Run to the oil my friends, run to it! A good rule of thumb is oil attracts oil. By cleansing overly oily or breakout prone skin with the proper oils, it will actually help aid in bringing balance to those oil glands in the skin. Skin that has acne lesions and breakouts needs oil desperately. That skin is crying out for help, healing and nourishment. That first step happens in oil cleansing. Over time it will enable to skin and body to heal itself once we stop stripping the skin dry. I am not saying that oil cleansing is the only cleanser to use but it is an essential key product to start facilitating clearer skin. Remember those fatty acids are the building blocks to our cell membranes. Healthy cells, lead to healthy skin, which shows by its glow!
5. Oil Cleansing means we use less products
This reason is a two-fold answer! For one thing It takes very little oil from your oil cleanser to cleanse the skin properly. Your oil cleanser bottle should last you a good while! Mine tend to last months! Secondly, after you have oil cleansed your skin, rinsed it off and pat the skin dry, the skin feels so supple and moist. The next steps following the oil cleanse such as toner, hydrosols, serums and moisturizers need less application of those products since the skin was prepped properly. It’s a lot harder to ensure enough product to quench stripped skin that feels tight and dry after being washed. So many people end up using a lot more product than their skin needs in order to feel relief from that tight, dry feeling… A practical or even silly analogy especially for those of you who bake: You wouldn’t bake a cake unless you prepped the pan with baking oil and maybe a dusting of flour to ensure the cake doesn’t stick to the pan, right? Can you imagine what a disaster that cake could be? How much cake would be wasted because it got stuck to the edges and bottom of the pan? The same concept applies here too! We tend to waste product due to the fact that the skin was stripped of its precious nutrients, and we over compensate when we wouldn’t need to!
Are you ready to start nourishing your skin instead of stripping it? Its such a beautiful, self-care approach to taking good care of your body’s largest organ. If you need a good oil cleanser recommendation, check out this post here. I lovingly creafted this facial oil cleanser. Happy oil cleansing everyone!